
måndag 10 juni 2013

Daily Reading 8 of June 2013

I have been slacking a bit when it comes to my daily routine of drawing cards for my own benefit so I decided to start that up again. Using this spread:
  1. To think of...
  2. To do...
  3. To love....
TEMPERANCE (rx) - 10 of Pentacles - Queen of Pentacles (rx)
Housewives Tarot
  1. This card reversed indicates to me, no pokes me to remember to personally make sure that I take everything in moderation. If nothing else today - that is my most important lesson to think of.
  2. 10 of Pentacles  suggests that whatever I do I make sure I do it on the material plane, as well as making sure that I finishing stuff before I continue to the next project. Things I do today needs to be done to last.
  3. And as a compliment to that, the last card reminds me that - no domestic work is not that fun. But I can make it fun, by putting my soul to it and love it all the same.

söndag 2 juni 2013

I am Doing It!

OK Ladies,
have you ever heard about Leonie Dawson? If not you really should! She is an amazing soul and she have inspired tousand after 1000 Goddess women to create the best life they can (drearm about)!

Me? She inspired me to make the plunge and walk over the edge and say: YES! I am freakin' doing it!!! It is a very small shift really. More in heart than in life. But to go from planning to do it - to actually do it. Its huuuge!

I do not have a plan yet. Not really. I just know that this time around I will follow my passion and not my mind. My mind is the nagging old lady who sits in the left side of my brain constantly pointing out to me that: "If you do this or try that you can charge that amount and then you only need so and so many clients to make it work."

She is the one that thinks on the money first and the passion much later. She is the one who have sat me down and forced me to ponder what I am pretty decent at and monetize it. Not what I feel called to do. To be honest with you I think she is still hooked in the mentality of the fact that work can not be fun - SHOULD NOT be fun.... Bah! Humbug!

The passionate side of myself on the other hand is not used to play the first fiddle so she has a very soft and gentle voice. She is the rightbrain, the feelings, the joy and laughter as well as tears. She is the one that can see that: "Wow! I have this gift. I have this idea. It is unique, totally goofy and odd and, and....

....totally wonderful! " I have had this idea for a long, long time. However, my left brain had trashed it and judged me and said: "Who do you think you are? Really? Pulling something like that of? Like if..."

But you know what? I do not care anymore! I am doing this! I am going to dust of my feathers and then I gonna jump of the cliff and fly!

What it is? Well, this post has gone on for far too long so that just has to wait... (Yeah, I know I am teese!). But be aware that it will for sure be something amazing! And I cant wait to share it with you! Just need some peaces of the puzzle to fall into place first. But soon, very soon.....